Four Barista Secrets for the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home

If you’re in the United States and you’re looking for your next favorite coffee brand, stay local and try Orgaanika! Orgaanika sells organic coffee grown in Peru, giving its customers the best morning coffee experience. With roasted coffee ranging from dark to light, we offer a variety of coffee that works for all. When you buy a bag of our coffee beans, you are bringing high-quality coffee to the comfort of your kitchen, where you can make the perfect drink. Do you struggle with making your favorite caffeinated drink at home? No need to worry! Here are four tips to help you prepare the perfect cup of coffee at home.

Purchase Whole Bean Coffee

The plain and simple fact about coffee is if you want good quality coffee, you need good quality coffee beans. The reason why you should buy whole bean coffee over ground coffee is that whole beans are fresher and contain more flavor. Purchasing whole beans and grinding them yourself allows your coffee to pack a better punch in the morning. We all know that we need that extra boost!

Store the Rest of Your Beans in a Canister

After you open a bag of coffee beans for the first time, it is crucial to move the remainder of the coffee beans into a container instead of keeping them inside the bag. For optimal freshness and safekeeping, store your coffee bean canister in a cool, dark place away from sunlight.. Doing this will keep your coffee as fresh as possible and allow you to get the most out of your beans. The last thing to note here is that you should never freeze your beans, as this can take away from the flavor.

Steam Your Milk

Without going to the lengths of purchasing a steamer, you can froth your milk in the microwave and or in a saucepan on the stove top. Steaming your milk also gives you the capability to make drinks like mochas, cappuccinos, and lattes at home. By steaming your milk, your coffee will have a better consistency and taste like it was made to order in a cafe.

Clean Your Coffee Pot Often

Cleaning your coffee pot often is a tip that can easily slip your mind. The reason why it is important to clean your coffee pot is that coffee beans have oil, and after multiple uses that oil tends to collect in your coffeemaker. When you brew your coffee with oil build-up, it will start affecting the flavor.

Orgaanika is now offering organic coffee delivery in Washington D.C., and we couldn’t be more excited about it. If you would like to try our coffee, visit our website and order online now!
